Alan Tremblay of Tremblay Apiaries

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Meet Alan Tremblay of Tremblay Apiaries in Fingerlakes Region of New York. Alan is a lifelong Beekeeper and farmer and has a deep passion for environmental health and pure food.


Among Alan's goals are:

" To do the best job possible in caring for the bees and their environment. Animal husbandry is a 24/7 occupation and an enormous responsibility. Make no mistake, if it weren't for the beekeeper hovering over his hives, most of them would perish within a relatively short period. That is particularly true these days with two parasitic mites to deal with, plus antibiotic resistant foulbrood diseases, hungry bears, and the changing environment. We take pride in consistently producing the finest, most natural products we can harvest from the bees."

Tremblay Apiaries are major participants and supporters of the Council for the Environment, the Greenmarkets, of NYC. They are proud to be retailing their products to the people of New York City. AND, they have some of the best bee pollen we've ever tasted!


Tim Brod of Highland Honey