Tim Brod of Highland Honey

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Introducing our friend Tim Brod of Highland Honey in Boulder, CO. Tim was a farmer, chef and world traveler before turning his passions to beekeeping and honey and the future of each.


In his own words:

"The skills of a beekeeper are paramount in contributing to the health of the bees and their capacity to produce quality excess honey. Helping bees to maintain strong immune systems demands skill and constant learning. Diverse food supports bee health. We have a labor-intensive practice of moving our hives several times a year, following nectar flows. We do this to help support the nutritional needs of the bees and because this diversity of foods helps create the rich complex flavors of our honey. When our honey is jarred for consumption, it is a fully blended honey with diverse nectars from the varying eco-zones solely from Boulder County. The floral source for this truly local honey comes in part directly from your backyard."

Try one of his amazing honey herbal blends! 


No One Is Afraid Of Bees


Alan Tremblay of Tremblay Apiaries